Starbucks Caffe Latte

Caffè Latte

Starbucks Caffè Latte

A Starbucks Caffé Latte is one of the most iconic and beloved beverages offered by the coffee giant. With its rich espresso, creamy steamed milk, and silky-smooth texture, the Caffé Latte delivers the perfect balance of flavor and warmth. 

What Is a Starbucks Caffé Latte?

A Caffé Latte at Starbucks is a traditional coffee drink made by combining a base of espresso with steamed milk. The result is a smooth and creamy beverage with the robust flavor of espresso mellowed out by the milk. You will feel into heaven because it is a perfect match of creamy whole milk and rich dark chocolate. Celebrate with unforgettable taste to win your heart and satisfaction.

Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Latte is another flavorful option available for consumers.

Ingredients in a Caffé Latte

The traditional Caffé Latte is made up of just a few essential ingredients:


Steamed Milk

Milk Foam

Milk Choices and Customizations

Starbucks provides a range of milk choices, such as:

Flavors of the Caffé Latte

Starbucks offers different flavors of Caffé Latte based on consumers choices:

Vanilla Latte

Iced Caffé Latte

Nutritional Information

Below is the  nutritional breakdown for a Tall (12 oz) Caffé Latte made with 2% milk:




Saturated Fat






6 grams

3.5 grams

13 grams

10 grams

150 grams

Caffé Latte Prices

The price of a Caffé Latte at Starbucks can vary depending on the location, the size of the drink, and any additional customizations. Below is the price breakdown of it: 

Portion Size

Tall (12 oz)

Grande (16 oz)

Venti (20 oz)Grande (16 oz)


$3.95 – $4.15

$4.45 – $4.65

$4.95 – $5.15

How to Customize Your Caffé Latte?

Below are the customization options available for Caffé Latte: 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A Caffé Latte consists of a larger amount of steamed milk with just a small layer of foam on top. In contrast, a Cappuccino has equal parts of espresso, steamed milk, and foam, giving it a frother texture and a stronger espresso flavor.

The number of espresso shots depends on the size of the drink. A Tall (12 oz) has 1 shot, a Grande (16 oz) has 2 shots, and a Venti (20 oz) also has 2 shots but with more milk.

Yes, you can make a Caffé Latte at home by brewing espresso (or strong coffee), steaming milk, and frothing it slightly. Using a milk frother or whisk can help achieve the foam layer on top. For an even closer match, Starbucks sells their signature espresso roast that you can use at home.

Summary: The Starbucks Caffé Latte is a popular, versatile coffee drink known for its rich, creamy texture and robust flavor. It can be easily customized with syrups, flavors, and milk options to suit individual preferences. 

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